Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Once is Not Enough

Here is a great hint on how to increase your customer base which in turn will increase your earnings. Recanvess areas on a regular basis, at least a few times a year is a good idea.

In this economy, you will see people move houses on a regular basis.  While the first time you left a book at a house you received no interest, those new people who have just moved may love Avon be in need of a new Avon Lady.

Another reason to recanvess is that people change their minds. At the time you left a book and they said no, but things have moved on in their lives and now they may need Avon.  Also people are busy, so they may feel that they missed the opportunity to order from you the first time.  If they see that you will continue to get them the chance, they order from you.  There are loads of other reasons why people change their minds.

To give you an example I have just started to recanvess an area and I received a call the next day from a lady who said she had received my book the first time, but misplaced it before she could place an order. She was so excited to receive the second book, that she wanted to call me right away to place her order.  Over a year this will add to my income.

So if you have never done a recanvess of your area, spend time and do it, it is very worth the time and the effort.

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